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University Affiliation Program


What is the University Affiliation Program (UAP)?

The University Affiliation Program recognizes academic institutions that embed at least 70% of the CFA® Program Candidate Body of Knowledge™ (CBOK) into their curricula. Through cooperation with universities around the world, we seek to promote ethics-based investment education in university degree programs aimed at developing investment professionals.


What are the benefits?

Affiliated Universities are provided with the following benefits:

  • Promotion: Recognition as an Affiliated University on the CFA Institute website, and the right to use the UAP logo on marketing materials.
  • Program Resources and Content Access: Access to the Learning Ecosystem for the Principal Contact.
  • The Learning Ecosystem contains resources including practice questions, mock exams, and access to all three levels of the CFA Program Curriculum. Principal Contacts also have access to events and receive the monthly UAP newsletter.
  • CFA Program Student Scholarships: Student scholarships to be awarded by the Principal Contact to deserving students, providing a discount on CFA exam fees.
  • Global Network: Once affiliated, Universities join our global network of finance degree programs aligned to the CFA Program. See a full list of affiliated universities below.
  • Benefits to Students: Students may leverage employability and global mobility upon graduating by completing a degree program that is close to practice and associated with a globally recognized professional credential.


What are the requirements?

To be eligible for the University Affiliation Program, an academic degree program must:

  • Have a viable cohort of students currently enrolled and studying in the program.
  • Hold educational accreditation.
  • Contain a required minimum number of semester hours of coursework and demonstrate that that the degree program covers 70% of topics contained within the CBOK Level I (undergraduate) or all three levels (graduate).


Apply to the University Affiliation Program

To request an application* and find out more, please email us at [email protected]

*Applications are considered on a case-by-case basis; meeting eligibility requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the program.

Affiliated Universities

Search for your university below.
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