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Professional Conduct Statement

We expect all members and candidates to follow our Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct (Code and Standards). CFA charterholders, regular members, affiliate members, and candidates in the CFA and CIPM Programs must complete a Professional Conduct Statement form to attest that they are in compliance with this requirement.

An annual obligation for CFA charterholders and candidates is to disclose any investigations, litigation, arbitration, complaints, disciplinary proceedings, or other matters relating to professional conduct.

Professional Conduct Statement FAQs (PDF)

When Do I Submit My Professional Conduct Statement?

Members submit a Professional Conduct Statement form when they first join CFA Institute and then annually as part of the online membership renewal process. If a member does not submit a Professional Conduct Statement at the appropriate time, membership will be suspended, including the right to use the CFA and/or CIPM designation. 

Join or Renew your membership and submit your Professional Conduct Statement

Candidates submit their Professional Conduct Statement form each time they register for an exam. If a candidate does not submit a Professional Conduct Statement at the appropriate time, the candidate will be prohibited from the CFA and/or CIPM Program.

What Happens When I Disclose an Issue?

When you disclose a professional conduct issue on your form, your answer will be reviewed by our Professional Conduct staff, and you may be asked to provide additional information. If you have an issue and do not disclose it, or misrepresent information on the form, you will be in violation of the Code and Standards, which is grounds for disciplinary action.

Not sure whether something requires disclosure?

Please contact us with your questions

Can I Preview My Professional Conduct Statement? 

As a member of CFA Institute, you are required to answer the following questions. If any answer is “yes”, explain your answer in the Additional Information box.

I certify that my answers below are accurate, truthful, and complete. I also agree to notify CFA Institute promptly of any changes that would require a different response to any of the following questions:

  • A. In the last two years, have you been the subject of any written complaint or accusation regarding your professional conduct or activities?
  • B. In the last two years, have you been the subject of an investigation conducted by your employer, a regulator, or other professional organization?
  • C. In the last two years, have you been the subject of, or a defendant or respondent in, any litigation, arbitrations, or other action or proceeding in which your professional conduct or activities were questioned or at issue?
  • D. In the last two years, have you been reprimanded, censured, restricted, suspended, barred, enjoined, or otherwise sanctioned by any regulator, professional organizations, government agency, or court because of your professional conduct or activities?
  • E. In the last two years, has your employment been terminated for cause or have you been permitted to resign rather than face termination?
  • F. In the last two years, have you been accused of, been convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, any crime (regardless of whether it involved your professional conduct or activities)?
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