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Improve Your Investment Hypothesis with Storytelling

Connect disparate data to develop a compelling narrative and deliver new perspectives on your investment hypotheses.

Two men and one woman standing in a lobby and talking

About the Course

Stories eat numbers for breakfast. This age-old knowledge acts as a double-edged sword for professional investors.

How can we get empowered through that knowledge? Connecting pieces of evidence to an investment hypothesis creates a narrative. How can we bring the evidence into a narrative form? Can you create a genuine story that can be plausibly conveyed to colleagues, investors, and regulators? Why should we even work on telling an investment story? How to distinguish between leading versus misleading storytelling? Join this sprint for a refreshingly new perspective on advancing the quality of your investment hypotheses.


Course Snapshot

Two men and one woman listening to a second woman talking while smiling at her.
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    Intermediate level

    Ideal for all investment professionals.

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    Gain technical skills

    Understand how to form a narrative based on evidence that supports your investment hypothesis.

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    Certificate of completion

    Upon completion of the course you will receive a certificate of completion.

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    Online instructor led training

    Live training delivered online in boot-camp style, hands-on learning.

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    3 hours to complete

    One 3-hour long small group session delivered by Dr. Matthias Strolz, from Panthera Solutions.

Meet the instructor

Matthias Strolz

Matthias Strolz Dr

Matthias Strolz returned to business as portfolio entrepreneur in November 2018, after handing over as Founding Chairman of NEOS, a value-based centre movement that he co-founded in 2012 and led into the Austrian Parliament in 2013. From October 2013 to September 2018 Matthias Strolz was Parliamentary Leader of his group. Living in Vienna and father to three daughters he was founder and managing partner to companies in the field of systemic facilitation for twelve years before fully switching to politics. As “gardener of life” he has been engaged in value-based capacity building since early youth. His work is promoting integral and solution-oriented approaches involving methods of systemic co-creation, crowdsourcing and open innovation. Since 2019 he also acts as co-founder for story.one, a story platform building “the library of life”.

What You'll Learn

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    What is a/your story?  
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    How does your story connect with your mission and purpose? 
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    Principles and success factors of storytelling
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    Methodology of framing and story implementation
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    Apply best practices on how to convert evidence into a narrating investment hypothesis
Session Date Time
Session 1 30 Jun 2022

10:00 AM CET (GMT +2)

4:00 PM HKT (GMT +8)

Session 2 30 Jun 2022

10:00 AM EST (GMT -4)

4:00 PM CET (GMT +2)

Session 1

Member Enrollment Fee

EUR 249
Members save EUR 30. Enrollment includes access to course recordings and the presentation deck through Panthera Solutions.

Non-Member Enrollment Fee

EUR 279
Enrollment includes access to course recordings and the presentation deck through Panthera Solutions.

Session 2

Member Enrollment Fee

EUR 249
Members save EUR 30. Enrollment includes access to course recordings and the presentation deck through Panthera Solutions.

Non-Member Enrollment Fee

EUR 279
Enrollment includes access to course recordings and the presentation deck through Panthera Solutions.

For information about the relationship between CFA Institute and Panthera Solutions SARL, please visit our Terms and Conditions page.

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