CFA Institute Honors Four Outstanding Investment Professionals at Events Next Month
CFA Institute, the global association of investment professionals that sets the standard for professional excellence, will honor Margaret E. Franklin, CFA (Alfred C. “Pete” Morley Distinguished Service Award), Gregory M. Noronha, PhD, CFA (C. Stewart Sheppard Award), Marla L. Harkness, CFA(Special Service Award), and David B. Stevens, CFA (Daniel J. Forrestal III Leadership Award for Professional Ethics and Standards of Investment Practice) for their outstanding contributions to the financial industry, throughout the month of June at events in Los Angeles, Toronto and Charlottesville, Va.
To honor her outstanding service to CFA Institute, Marla L. Harkness, CFA, senior portfolio manager for TIAA-CREF, will receive the Special Service Award on June 3 in Los Angeles. Harkness served a four-year term as chair of the global Presidents Council at CFA Institute, served for four years on the Council of Examiners, the group that writes the CFA examinations, and served two years as co-chair of CFA Institute’s Private Client Task Force, a topic on which she co-authored a white paper. More information.
Margaret E. Franklin, CFA, president of Marret Private Wealth Inc., and the former chair of the Board of Governors of CFA Institute, will be awarded the Alfred C. “Pete” Morley Distinguished Service Award on June 25 in Toronto, for her exceptional stewardship and outstanding service to CFA Institute. Over her years of service, Franklin made a lasting mark, championing the organization’s voice in the global financial industry in an effort to restore the public’s trust in the investment profession.
Gregory M. Noronha, PhD, CFA, Russell Endowed professor of Finance at the University of Washington’s Tacoma Campus, who has been published in such journals as the Financial Analysts Journal and Journal of Finance, will be recognized for his outstanding contribution in fostering the education of professional investors with the C. Stewart Sheppard Award on June 28 in Charlottesville, Va. In addition to a number of roles within the CFA Exam Team, including chair of the Council of Examiners, Dr. Noronha has co-authored CFA curriculum readings and has served as a CFA essay exam grader for 12 years.
Also at the event in Charlottesville, David B. Stevens, CFA, a senior investment strategist with The Private Bank at Wells Fargo, will receive the Daniel J. Forrestal III Leadership Award for Professional Ethics and Standards of Investment Practice for his role in championing professional ethics and standards of practice and advocating for the integrity and competence of our profession. During his service on the Disciplinary Review Committee, which included three years as chair, Stevens navigated the committee through some significant changes whilst continuing to promote the CFA Institute mission.
“These four investment professionals embody the concept of the future of finance,” said John Rogers, CFA, president and CEO of CFA Institute. “Their actions have made a difference in shaping the industry for future generations. They have made it their duty to look ahead and ensure their actions, and those that others in the industry may take, are elevating the financial industry to its true potential, one that serves society and generates security for all.”
View past award recipients here.
CFA Institute Research Foundation adds Frank K. Reilly, CFA, and Fred H. Speece, Jr., CFA, to its Leadership Circle
Frank K. Reilly, CFA, the Bernard J. Hank Professor of Finance at the University of Notre Dame, and Fred H. Speece, Jr., CFA, founder of Speece Thorson Capital Group, Inc., have joined the Leadership Circle of the CFA Institute Research Foundation, a not-for-profit organization that sponsors independent research for investors and investment professionals around the world. Both Reilly and Speece join with a wealth of experience within CFA Institute governance roles holding roles such as past chair of the Board of Governors of CFA Institute, and the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of the Research Foundation. Speece is a past recipient of the Alfred C. Morley Distinguished Service Award and the C. Steward Sheppard Leadership Award. Reilly, an expert in security analysis, capital markets, credit analysis, and security market indexes, is a former recipient of the Daniel J. Forrestal III Leadership Award for Professional Ethics and Standards of Investment Practice. In joining the leadership team, both of these respected practitioners will advise on and undertake activities that support the CFA Institute mission of promoting the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence for the ultimate benefit of society.