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UD Capital JSC announces compliance with the CFA Institute Global Investment Performance Standards, the first such firm to do so in Kazakhstan

18 August, 2022
Almaty Kazakhstan

UD Capital JSC announced its compliance with the CFA Institute Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®), therefore standardizing the calculation and presentation of investment performance and applying global best practices

Commenting on the announcement, Damir Seisebayev, Director of the Asset management department of UD Capital JSC said:  "Our adoption of the GIPS standards illustrates our determination to adopt the best practices used globally. This is part of our ongoing commitment to seek and offer the best solutions for our clients”.

Introduced in 1999, the GIPS standards are universal, voluntary standards based on the fundamental principles of full disclosure and fair representation of investment performance. The GIPS standards are administered globally by CFA Institute and as of 31 July 2022 have been adopted by more than 1,750 firms and asset owners around the world. As of 31 August 2021, all or a portion of 39 of the top 40 and 90 of the top 100 asset managers globally claim compliance with the GIPS standards, according to data from Cerulli Associates.

“UD Capital’s compliance with the GIPS standards is a testimony to its commitment to adopting best practices and advancing the investment profession by implementing a global standard. They are the first firm in Kazakhstan to adopt the GIPS standards, and we are thrilled that Kazakhstan is the 49th market globally where the GIPS standards have been adopted,” said Karyn Vincent, Senior Head of Global Industry Standards at CFA Institute. “We applaud UD Capital for their efforts to put investors first, and we encourage more asset managers to follow their lead to promote fairness, transparency, and ethics in investment performance.” 

About UD Capital JSC

UD Capital JSC is an independent investment management company that offers wide range of financial services, including asset management and brokerage services, and is licensed by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market.

Additional information about UD Capital JSC is available at www.udcapital.kz.