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Guidelines for the Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation Report

The Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation Report should, at a minimum:

  • Clearly state the diagnosed disability;
  • Be up-to-date and comprehensive
    • Candidates may submit an evaluation report that is more than three years old; however, it may be necessary to obtain a more recent evaluation report to determine appropriate accommodations. If this is deemed necessary, you will be notified accordingly.
  • With the exception of physical disabilities (inclusive of visual and hearing impairments), the qualified professional should base the diagnosis from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) or equivalent diagnostic standards (non-US);
  • Include complete educational, developmental, and medical histories relevant to the disability for which testing accommodations are being sought;
  • Include a list of the objective and norm-referenced test batteries (e.g., WAIS-IV, WIAT-III, WJ-IV, GORT-V, etc.) and test scores used to document the disability;
    • For physical disabilities (inclusive of visual and hearing impairments), objective evidence should be provided in the form of the diagnostic tests administered and test scores, medical reports, surgical/procedural reports, physical therapy notes, photographs and scans (e.g., MRI, CAT, Retinal, etc.)
  • Be typed or printed on official letterhead and be signed by an evaluator qualified to make the diagnosis (with information regarding licenses or certifications, and area of specialization)
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