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CFA Institute launches its flagship Research and Policy Center

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CFA Institute Research and Policy Center

New Thought Leadership from a Trusted Source

The Research and Policy Center offers an unbiased forum for industry leaders, regulators and subject matter experts to address unprecedented and often systemic challenges and opportunities that are facing the investment industry.

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Actionable Insights through Impactful Content

From short articles to long-form research, video summaries to in-depth webinars, you’ll find a range of research, practitioner tools, and industry-advancing codes and standards that elevate the profession and the industry through the Research and Policy Center.

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Net Zero in the Balance

Net zero requires transformational changes and significant investment. This guide aids industry leaders in implementing net-zero investing. It offers practical guidance that stresses the importance of mindset shifts and highlights strategies for success.

Alternative Credit - CFA

An Introduction to Alternative Credit

In this book, practitioners introduce the key features of the alternative credit asset class. They spotlight leading transactions to evaluate those features and their implications for investors. They also discuss the market’s anticipated continued growth and potential evolution.


The Finfluencer Appeal: Investing in the Age of Social Media

This report examines how young investors use content from financial influencers on social media platforms, such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, to gather information and make investment decisions.

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